Chasing The Light Programme
Chasing The Light is a 3 year project in Exeter and Devon that will provide 6, 14 week participatory photography programmes and 64 photo walks. There is a hope to extend the project and make it available to more communities.
Walking With Cameras
Walking With Cameras are a series of photowalks around Exeter and Devon. There are around 3 hours each and incorporate landscapes or places of interest. They run alongside the Chasing The Light Photography Programmes.
Photovoice Online.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Meridian Raw CIC developed some online participatory photography sessions called Photovoice Online. Each Photovoice online session engaged with 10/12 participants, with 2 workshops per week, where participants presented images from a set photography task.
Photography For Change
Photography For Change was a one year participatory photography project that explored the themes of personal change and changes within the community. This project was aimed at people in & around Exeter who have a lived experience of mental health issues and other social changes.