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Brightening the walk home by Beverley Hammett

About Meridian Raw CIO

Meridian Raw CIO is a registered charity that helps to bring about social change and advocacy through creative participatory photography projects, inspiring photowalks and photography projects.  We use photography as an empowerment tool for marginalised communities, socially excluded individuals and for the wider community.

Kirill and Dave F with Cameras
Underlight by Martyn Goss.

Vision & Mission

Our vision is of a world where everyone is empowered to live fuller lives. Our mission is to bring communities together to  drive positive change through photography.

​Through our guided photography workshops, participants will be encouraged to use digital cameras to take pictures that highlight personal issues in their life, provide an insight into their community, highlight issues around a given topic and communicate expressions of feelings through imagery.

Bubble Man by Tim Sanders.

Meridian Raw CIO is motivated and driven by the impact of our work. It's the positive change that we see in people and communities that is the most valuable and valued part of what we do. To ensure we consistently deliver positive social change, we have identified three key desired outcomes which help articulate the impact that we aim to achieve:

  1. Improved health and wellbeing

  2. Stronger and more resilient communities

  3. Reduced social isolation

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